Inclusion & Accessibility

Inclusion & Accessibility

Little Town Adventures has been designed to be accessible for all abilities.



We have disabled parking located close to our centre entrance. Blue badge parking is also available on near by streets in the event that disabled parking is full.


We have wheelchair accessibility entrances and walk ways to access our venue.


We have a large disabled toilet located on the ground floor of our centre.


SEND exclusive sessions will be held on a regular basis. Please keep an eye on our website and social channels for details of the times of these sessions.

Our staff have been trained in accessibility training with many having undergone basic Makaton training. All performances also include Makaton including the songs. All details on our SEND events can be found on the activities booking page as well as advertised on our Facebook page.


Please be aware our general performance sessions feature music and theatrical lighting. Please get in touch with us if you would like to find out more about this and discuss individual requirements.


The centre is wheelchair accessible on the ground floor with ordering from the cafe in person or on your mobile phone and also has a ground floor disabled toilet.


We are able to accept guide and assistance dogs into our centres providing they are fully trained and part of a registered guide dog organisation with Assistance Dogs UK (ADUK). Assistance dogs will be required to wear an identifying harness, jacket or lead slip at all times whilst on the premises.


If there are any questions we can help with or anything which could make your visit easier then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us in advance of your visit and we will do all we can to accommodate any additional requests.



ocean scene

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